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for form

(...) ls used by office workers. Outlook Classic and Outlook Modern add-ins are responsible for its integration with WEBCON BPS Portal. They allow users to access their tasks, view the contents of selected form s, and use many other Portal features from within their e-mail correspondence, without having to close the e-mail application. This article describes the method of installing Outlook Modern in Micr (...)

(...) nored Licenses assignments: Need to be transferred since subscription licensing is used. Substitutions: Can be ignored Themes: Need to be transferred   The blog post provides inform ation about the available options and sometime other helpful inform ation. READ MORE: here.   In case you are interested in copying a content database you find more inform ation: (...)

(...) ocess. Selective and Flexible Initialization Itemlists can be set to initialize either at the start of the process or at each step, providing the flexibility to include only the necessary inform ation for each stage. This allows for the selective population of columns based on the specific requirements of the workflow. Data Population in the Itemlist Itemlists can populate data eith (...)

(...) The WEBCON team works tirelessly to improve the WEBCON BPS platform . We constantly strive to fix any errors and make sure that our system always functions as intended.   Every year, we publish a major version that introduces a multitude of new features. Additionally, updated builds are released at least once a month, they aim to resolve any existing issues and implement small chang (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above, author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction In an era of technological advances, there is an increasing emphasis on providing equal access to inform ation, education, work, entertainment, and services for all people, regardless of their location, resources, skills, or limitations. Many of these basic aspects of life are now carried out over the Internet (...)

(...) e preparation of appropriate tools. Accordingly, a console application called BatchImportApp (.exe file) was created and made available among WEBCON BPS installation files in the “Tools” (form erly “Migration Tools”) directory. This tool imports WEBCON BPS applications using defined parameters. Specifying some of these parameters is required for the automatic default import oper (...)

(...) versions. This is the recommended option in an environment with Internet access. Evergreen Standalone Installer (x64): a full installer for environments without Internet access. For further inform ation on downloading the runtime, please refer to the following link: https://learn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/distribution#understanding-the-options-at-the-runtime-download- (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Fast and easy access to inform ation is one of the key aspects of a well-designed form . With crucial inform ation readily available, users can not only perform tasks faster, but also make better decisions in the process. But how do you distinguish this crucial inform ation from other data and present it cle (...)

(...) only access to specific application assets, but also data that may be relevant for end users. This article discusses the possibilities offered by dashboards in terms of presenting such data in the form of reports, and describes how to create, configure, and feed those reports within dashboards.   Business case The Head of the Complaints Department within a production company oversees (...)

(...) displayed independently of the configuration windows for specific application objects in Designer Studio, allowing it to remain open while designing. As mentioned earlier, the ToDo List has a tabular form , and its elements are grouped by default according to the application to which they belong. However, please note that the list can also contain elements that do not belong to any specific application (...)

(...) ; In this case it comes in handy that it is possible to create a shortcut which opens connects to the environment using the correct Designer Studio version. The blog post will provide you with the inform ation on how to do it.    This screenshot is just an example. There are 22 shortcuts on my desktop. ;) READ MORE: here.

(...) of this, updating WEBCON BPS will require additional steps. Most of these steps will be carried out automatically by the installer, nonetheless, some will need to be handled manually by the admin perform ing the update.   This article contains a list of additional steps, along with instructions on how to carry them out. It also contains inform ation on which steps are automatic, and which ne (...)

(...) ng applications, you'll start adding a more personalized touch to certain elements. One way to achieve this is through "CUSTOM EMAILS" - emails where you can selectively highlight the inform ation you want to convey. In this Knowledge Base article, I want to provide beginners with a brief guide on how to customize the standard "Go to Element" and "Go to Application" (...)

(...) . Tasks process development WEBCON tasks workflow is very simple. Do it ... done. I think it needs to move to next level. At least: 1. DOOIT (WHO, WHEN, reminders, escalations), WHO APPROVE, WHO TO INform (after approval) to be continued ... Paweł

(...) ould be better to show delegated tasks as Delegated. 2.) Since we updated to Version 2019 and 2020 we lost the functionality for users to create substitutions for other colleagues. They can open the form , but cant choose anyone properly in the person fields then as Substitute. The option was there with the sharepoint substitution webpart in earlier versions, but now only Admins can create substitutio (...)

(...) if not even mandatory. 1. Report - SQL Filter, there are a few variables there already 2. Calculated field in Reports and BPS internal view, no option to use existing variables 3. Report - advanced form atting, no options to use existing variables Why do I think that this would be mandatory? The path example of advanced colouring will just break on transporting the report to another environment: ht (...)

(...) error prone. In my opinion the applications are not related, if they only share elements defined in system settings, data sources or plugins. Examples: - Globals -- constants -- business rules -- form rules fields -- fields - Data source -- Dictionaries -- Templates - SDKs If the export hits one of these elements no further related elements should be gathered. Best regards, Daniel

(...) e now using GUID identifier witch enables using it's in all environments. But the functionality o Word templates are very simple. It's now enough flexible for control conditions for hide, show etc. inform ation's. For example: You can not show header of table, but empty row is always. In HTML you can control this. Adding using GUID in HTML templates give the more flexible possibility to build template (...)

(...) Can you please add an option to encrypt fields, and user configure who can decrypt ? Why ? Becouse, in some business appliactions, administrators not always should be able to see some confidential inform ation send in BPS form s. Senders should decide.

(...) he boolean field itself because an unchecked boolean field would fulfill the required definition too, if I remember correctly, Is there a better way? It just came to my mind that I could create a form field extensions for a boolean field to provide a drop-down instead of checkbox. On the other side I'm not even sure that I can define a form for extension for a boolean field. Best regards, Daniel