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(...) SOAP Web service from the Designers & Service Web service component in order to – for example – launch a new workflow instance and add the newly processed file as an attachment. Barcode printing proxy – component responsible for sending printout requests to the configured barcode printers. Depending on the configuration, it can connect to a specified printer and (local TCP/IP (...)

(...) Nginx server installation -> https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/ssl-offloading-vs-webcon-bps-portal/161   Below is the nginx server configuration (to be published as the nginx code ): worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024 ; } http { include mime.types ; default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on ; keepalive_timeout (...)

(...) Source configuration The following screenshot presents the query to the ExchangeRates table. The first part of the query (before the “union” tag) allows you to retrieve the ID, code , exchange rate date, and rate for all currencies provided by ECB. Each tag returning “Exchange rate date” contains the “DATEADD” function, so that query finally refers to the (...)

(...) t row (determined earlier) use the Set cell font color and Set cell font decoration rules. For cells, the color can be given in various formats, both with the name (red, blue, green) and with the hex code which allows you to select any values. For decorations, you can select between normal, bold, underlined, and italic text.   Fig. 9. The rule coloring the background of the Status colu (...)

(...) setting a default name and its translations for specific languages.  Data format The format in which data has to be returned by the source has the following pattern: DEFAULT_NAME$$LANG_code $$LANG_NAME$$ LANG_code  $$ LANG_NAME … $$ Parameter separator DEFAULT_NAME Default name displayed on the form it is presented in a language whi (...)

Applies to version: 2017.1.x and above; author: Mateusz Syrek Introduction SharePoint server allows authenticating users based on Claims add-on. It also allows authenticating users based on different authentication providers which you trust but are managed externally. This article describes external provider configuration which will be Azure Active Directory from SharePoint Server 2019 (

(...) t media type (MIME type), a binary identifier for the format of internet files (e.g. text/plain, image/gif) based on the attachment’s ID. CONTENT AS BASE64 - returns the content of the file encode d in the Base64 text format. The content is returned based on the attachment's ID. Rules will be presented using the “Change value of single field” action which has been configure (...)

(...) nu is defined in the “Show in dialogue (PopUp)” section. Marking source columns will cause their information to appear in the autocomplete dropdown window. The final section: “Unicode ” enables/disables coding in Unicode format.

(...) The article describes how you can configure the process of searching for documents based on two exemplary workflows. The first workflow is used to manage archive documents. Files containing barcode s are scanned and added to the workflow as attachments, and then a text layer is applied to them. The second workflow is used to process invoices by OCR. Invoice attachments are not fully OCR proce (...)

(...) anguages in the system configuration). The available languages include: German, Ukrainian, French, Polish, Italian, Romanian, Russian and English (UK and US).  d)    “Is Unicode ” checkbox – selecting this field means that the characters used for translation will be consistent with the Unicode character encoding standard. It allows you to recognize non-standard ch (...)

(...) Comments ID int Column with unique values   Name string   code string Customer abbreviated name NIP string Note: identical form should be preserved Zip-code (...)

(...) Here is an example of data that can be returned within the REST service Input data Parameter Type of data Comments Employee code string SAP employee number Year Int Year in which leave limits are to be returned   Output da (...)

(...) igure the Error handling tab, this is a separate automation flow that will trigger if the main automation in the General tab encounters an error. Each action in an automation can be assigned an Error code which can then be referenced in Error handling (e.g. using automation or action execution conditions) – so that the system can distinguish between different types of errors and respond accordin (...)

(...) privileges, you can start implementing the Microsoft Graph Toolkit components in the WEBCON BPS Portal. Microsoft Graph Toolkit components can be used in: HTML form field in the form HTML code element in the dashboard   Microsoft Graph Toolkit in the form field Using Graph Toolkit components in the HTML form field in the form requires a HTML form field, its setting requir (...)

(...) System settings -> Business entities (for the purpose of the article were used by WEBCON BPS business entities). The configuration was set in the following format: Name: WEBCON BPS {country code } code : {country code } The above format allows for agile configuration of the tasks depending on the business entity. Figure 1 presents the exemplary configuration for WEBCON BPS PL business en (...)

(...) View of Customers Column: ERP_ID - unique ID applied to the entire data set, required NAME - required NIP [TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER] - required COUNTRY - optional, two-digit country code CITY - optional ADDRESS- optional ZIP-code - optional CUSTOMER_ASSISTANT - optional, format domainlogon or UPN Bank accounts Columns: ID - unique ID applied to the entire data (...)

(...) element is being edited.   Fig. 7. Theme configuration - configuration of the individual system elements   The user can choose any color from the color palette - the color code can be saved in HEX, RGB, HSL formats.   Fig. 8. Color selection   Color theme selection   Fig. 9. User's profile   Fig. 10. Theme selectio (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Users can prepare document templates in MS Word that include data from forms designed in WEBCON BPS. A template prepared in this way can be used, for example, in a Word file generation action. In order to be able to use variables relating to form fields and other contextual variables of WENCO

(...) ed above presents only an example of application of the WEBCON BPS plugin for integration with Autenti. After minor modifications the plugin can be added to any workflow. You can obtain the source code of the plugins from our Github account at: https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS. They are provided under this license.                 (...)

Author: Paweł Drab Introduction   Migration of databases to a different database environment or their recreation in such environment may require changing database name. If references to a database are present in several locations, external, logical change of database name is insufficient. The article describes the procedure of changing database name by modifying configuration.