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(...) want to create a field for this one time use case. Unfortunately the 'Test' result window of the expression editor, didn't have the option to copy the result. Luckily I thought of the Administration tool s\Search Logs. As you can see in the attached picture, I was able to execute an arbitrary SQL statement and could export the result to Excel. :) Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello, current version tracking tool in BPS is pretty good, but i'm lacking one feature. Let's say we have a workflow, where i'm at version 1, i need to get some more informations, so the document is being send to another people and new versions are being created 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. After they will do their job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all changes b (...)

(...) a manifestu wdrożenia dostosowania WEBCON BPS for Microsoft Outlook AddIn lub jego lokalizacja nie są zaufane. Aby uzyskać dalszą pomoc, skontaktuj się z administratorem. w Microsoft.VisualStudio.tool s.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInTrustEvaluator.VerifyTrustPromptKeyInternal(ClickOnceTrustPromptKeyValue promptKeyValue, DeploymentSignatureInformation signatureInformation, String productName (...)

(...) Dear Webcon Team, we are still looking forward to get a helpful tool for getting barcodes / qr-codes on mobile phone into fields. Now we realized, that the WebCon App has a build in functionality for scaning codes. However this helps only for searching documents / contents. Would it be possible to combine this build in functionality with fields input? It would be really great to be able to con (...)

(...) this link displayed a preview image that was uploaded somewhere. But I don't know by which means an attachment was uploaded to this path. Right now, calling this link throws: {"type":"https://tool s.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.4","title":"Not Found","status":404,"traceId":"00-2cd9a0ba20c4ac24d08366237b7ec881-1e6a399ca0898779-00"} Can anybody shed light on this? Thanks!

(...) n. (server-adress/api) It seems, that the inheritance could not be solved completely by the library. Our aim is to be able to read data in JSON format from the WebCon REST-API by using standardized tool s, means no manually work for getting the data in the right format. Used REST instruction (v3.0) GET: Gets default bps view content Additional Information: - WebCon Version 2021.1.4.154 - NSw (...)

(...) e, WFSteps.STP_Description, WFSteps.STP_IsFinish, WFElements.WFD_ID FROM WFElements JOIN WFSteps ON WFSteps.STP_ID = WFElements.WFD_STPID WHERE WFD_STPID= 95 It's not an option to use the admin tool s to delete all instances from the process. Any idea how I can fix this? Thanks.

(...) I've got following problems - we are using AD as an authentication tool , but because of quite complex, matrix organizational scheme I cannot use a supervisor data from AD, because (depending on the project) the same user can have two different managers). So I figured out, that I will be using BPS Groups next to AD: 1. I've got User A, Manager A and Manager B 2. I've got groups Managers, Project A & (...)

(...) ed to convert a dictionary process to a standard process. Before I start to create a complete new process from scratch I want to ask if there is an easier way to get this done. Maybe there is a tool or some script somewhere out there, which gets this done. Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) nsistencies. E.g. when packaging a new release, we might forget to update the documentation. Not sure what's best / easier, extending the rest api or making the functions available in a cmd line tool . Functions to nice to be automated: - Import/export of applications - Import/export of plugIn-packages - generate documentation of a process

(...) ue regarding license services. because we are getting an error message in the portal saying "Failed to load license. Please check if the license server is running". From the application management tool the services is running successfully and when I try to refresh the licenses from the license manager tool I am getting an error message saying "Cannot connect license service. Please check if the lic (...)

(...) Hi community! We need to add 'active' HTML elements to an item list, e.g. a button containing some Javascript to set a field value or a label with a custom tool tip on mouseover. Is that even possible in an item list, we didn't find any solution for this up to now? Thanks a lot for your input, Best regards, Nik

(...) i everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone knows where or in which table the "Fixed values list" are stored. I am using a "Start a subworkflow (SQL)" to migrate data from our old sharepoint workflow tool to Webcon. Unfortunately, it seems that Webcon has decided that 'Choice fields' always require a GUID#Name to be populated. (Without this format I get an error and the subworkflow does not run). N (...)

(...) (Self-Service by Business Admins). We wanted to achive the idea which we had followed in SharePoint (business is maintaining adding/removing users from the groups). And such dashboard is powerfull tool - the Permission Admin per Application can jump from one Dashboard to DEV/TEST/PROD groups from one place. Please notice the screenshot attached - it gives an overview how it is done :) * Of cou (...)

(...) tly this error occurs at all and what exactly is the cause. Does anyone know where I can find more information about the error? (Without ACTID or GUID I can't search for errors in the administration tool . Where else could I search?) Thanks in advance! ** The subworkflow directly follows a path that points only to an end step. No other actions are performed on the path. I have been able to suc (...)

(...) he moment i have to go this way. When creating a new substitution in 2023.1.2.44 i get a "Bad request" error when saving the substitution. Attached you find the diagnostics session and develeoper tool s log. Any ideas what is going wrong here? // diagnostics json { "session": { "id": 565, "sessionGuid": "2c8664cd-1862-4978-9355-1d0b7c3c47d5", "userTime": "2023-08-31T05:51:0 (...)

(...) Hi, could you please extend the "WEBCON BPS System administrators" tool (exe), with a required field for the display name in addition to the BPS ID? I just spend about three hours hunting down the exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String' at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Checkouts.ElementCheckoutsRepository.UpdateOrTakeOverParameters.U (...)

(...) Hello @ll Have any of you tried implementing webcon with the project Stirling-PDF instead FineReader? https://github.com/Stirling-tool s/Stirling-PDF

(...) their being at work. If they didn't, they would be redirected to the appropriate element. If they did, nothing would happen. Is there a way to do this in webcon, or do I need to do it with external tool s?

(...) om the configuration, this would create a smaller .bpe file with only selected changes, that could be applied as hotfixes. It's nothing new especially for people who worked with some version control tool s - cherrypicking should ring a bell :) I have two possible solutions in my head right now, but maybe other members will have some more. 1. Possibility to select specific attribute / step / path (...)