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Form field count report of an application


Hi kaluser,

you can use this statement to count the number of fields per type and process. I have added the field limit from here:

Keep in mind that you integer/rating scale and choice field / choice list share a common limit.
I highlighted the choice fields in the attachment, because I deleted field 8 some time ago. So the number of choice fields is 8 as it is returned by the statement.

SELECT DEF_Name as ProcessName, [EnglishName] as FieldTypeName, Count(*) as NumberOfFields,
case TypeID
when 1 then 80 -- single line of text
when 2 then 25 -- Multiple lines of text
when 5 then 30 -- Integer number; Integer+Rating may not exceed 30
when 25 then 30 -- Rating scale
when 6 then 50 -- Floating-point number
when 4 then 90 -- Choice field ; Choice field + Choice list may not exceed 90
when 26 then 90 -- Choice list
when 7 then 50 -- Date and time
when 3 then 20 -- Yes/No
when 20 then 15 -- Person or group
when 24 then 3 -- Google Map
when 30 then 2 -- Gantt chart
when 28 then 1 -- Absence chart
when 29 then 1 -- Absence summary
when 13 then 10 -- Single line of text - global
when 14 then 10 -- Choice field - global
when 12 then -1 -- Item list
when 27 then 5 -- Date and time - global
end as MaxNumberOfFields
FROM [dbo].[WFConfigurations] join WFDefinitions on WFCON_DEFID = DEF_ID
join WFFieldDefinitions on WFCON_FDEFID = FDEF_ID
join [DicWFFieldTypes] on FDEF_WFFieldTypeID = [TypeID]
-- limiting the result to one process for testing
-- Only taking the field types into account which are listed to have a limit
-- https://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/webcon-bps-2019-limits-of-form-fields-and-columns/249/3
and TypeID in (1,2,5,25,6,4,26,7,3,20,24,30,28,29,13,14,12,41)

group by DEF_Name, EnglishName,TypeID