Hello everyone,
on one environment we are running WEBCON 2020 with SharePoint Full-Trust installation. Now this environment is to be updated.
In WEBCON 2022 the SharePoint Full-Trust installation is not supported any longer.
So there is the question: How do I proceed, to use WEBCON 2022 with this current installation?
Is there a technical solution from you guys (webcon), to "update" the Full-Trust installation to a standalone?
Or is it necessary to set up a complete new installation with WEBCON 2022 standalone, rebuild all processes and do a migration of all existing data?
That would not be possible without a certain amount of effort.
If I remember correctly, it is not possible to export/import an application from a SharePoint Full-Trust to a standalone nor between systems with different installed major versions (2020 to 2022).
Does anyone have any experience with this matter or can give me some advice?
Best Regards