Home > Forum > Database > Hash in front of ID of choice field value

Hash in front of ID of choice field value


I noticed something strange in the database values for a choice field - a hash in front of the ID (screenshot attached).
Has the behavior of the database changed? In the documentation I still find it's supposed to be ID#Name, no mention of a hash.

Best regards

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Marek,

I don't see anything strange.
In you screenshot I see GUID#blacked text, so this would match the ID#Name pattern. Id doesn't refer to an integer, it can be an integer or a text, for example the GUID of a workflow instance.

Best regards,

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your answer. But I still don't get why I get an ID as an integer when I test my SQL query in Designer Studio, but it is written with a guid into the database? I would expect the database to get the same integer for ID as Designer Studio, especially since other choice field entries seem to work that way based on the entries in the database - in other words, other values from the same choice field are written into the database in the format ID(as an integer)#Name.
