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I admit that I usually do not read the EULA of the software, but this time I made an exception and after reading I have a lot of questions and doubts about the possible scenarios of using the application in both the Express and Enterprise versions.

It will be a rather long thread as there will be a lot of inquiries in it.

At the beginning of:
After reaching the maximum database size for the Express installation, can I uninstall the Webcon software, delete the databases and then perform a new clean installation and import previously exported processes?

Whether as part of defined Actions (via TSQL or SDK extensions) on the workflow process path
can I perform operations on the Content database (e.g. deleting some previously entered records, e.g. with comments or attachments)?

One of many examples is a cyclical action that deletes data from X months ago as the collected data is not needed for the business and the further functioning of the process (because nothing is influenced by data presence)

Can WEBCON be used as a pseudo tool: task scheduler, ETL, orchestration of other services?
Where defined processes and applications do not require user interaction (although such a possibility always exists), and the applications themselves are triggered cyclically or are started as a result of some events. Do they perform some defined tasks, maybe aggregate data, maybe check states and statuses, send notifications or more strenuous work such as shifting data between defined sources?


Hi mansoft,

I'm guessing that everyone here is keeping silent because answers regarding licensing should come directly from someone at WEBCON. So a direct communication would be better than using the community. At least this is what I would do. Even if I would receive an answer from someone here, I wouldn't rely on it. I can neither hold him responsible nor would it be a good argument why (unintentionally) violated the license.

Best regards,

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi mansoft,

I'm guessing that everyone here is keeping silent because answers regarding licensing should come directly from someone at WEBCON. So a direct communication would be better than using the community. At least this is what I would do. Even if I would receive an answer from someone here, I wouldn't rely on it. I can neither hold him responsible nor would it be a good argument why (unintentionally) violated the license.

Best regards,

Yes and no :)

Of course, the official and binding message should come from the manufacturer, but I treat this forum as an interesting place to exchange not only technical knowledge but also opinions, observations, arguments and counter-arguments :) etc.
It is also true that in the vast majority of cases we are all users of the webcon software and probably also in the paid licensed version.
Each of us, regardless of the version used, is licensed and I consider this public forum to be the best place to raise the topic because this knowledge will avoid many misunderstandings.

I have many interesting ideas for the integration of the webcon with various opensorce projects, e.g. nextcloud or unconventional use for this software that no one thought before, but before starting any work, what is technically possible I must support (at least initially) with some opinion regarding compliance with the license, because I do not know what I can, as a user, as a software buyer, and what I cannot (especially after reading the license)
Some of the issues are described in the license and some require discussion in a wider group. Yet another part is so written that I am unable to relate it to reality.

I hope that as much more experienced users of the program than I am, you have already mentioned these topics somewhere or you have your opinion, not necessarily in line with the producer's position. I also believe that some of these questions were on your mind or now seeing them yourself you are curious or you would like to speak:]

So go ahead, there are no wrong answers, and what's more, one of us may learn a lot or find out that there is something in "my" company that goes beyond the use defined in the license.

This is not about relying on "anonymous" statements but for a casual discussion, and in the end I will turn to the webcon anyway, armed with arguments that may be mentioned here.


Hi mansoft,

ok in this case I will provide my opinion:

1. Maximum database size
I haven't tested this with Express within a paid version you can add/remove content databases via setup.exe "Tools for application management" so there is no need to uninstall WEBCON BPS. You may need to clear the search index, but I don't think this would violate the license. But maybe the EULA will be changed in the future to prohibit such a behavior. :)

2. Deleting data
As far as I'm concerned modifying data directly via t-sql, is a no go. This leaves us with actions like SDK, not sure whether you can delete a workflow instance, or the action "Archive workflow instances" which can also delete instances from the database. If they are available it's supported. I think the action is not available in the express edition, but I'm not sure. I'm using the later for the same use case you have described, but again in a paid version.

3. WEBCON BPS as a "Task scheduler"
I don't think that's a problem. The guys from Encorsa used WEBCON BPS in a similar way. It's part of a larger solution including a chat bot which talks to the end users and to WEBCON BPS.

Best regards,