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How display to user output of select statement in action ?

There are actions on the form. One of these actions is to perform a function on the base. The result of this function is varchar. I would like to display the content of this result to the user. In the form of a JS alert or any message. Do you know how to do it?

In reply to: Marcin

Yes, thank you, but it doesn't help because I need a How do I get the query result that is executed during the automation on the path.

Hi Marcin,

ok, if you need to display this message after path transition you could do it like this:

1. Use the "change value of a single field" action, select the parameter in which the result should be stored.
2. Use a hyperlink action with javascript:alert('PARAMETER')

It's probably possible to use a business rule directly instead of PARAMETER, but I think this is a bit cleaner.

Best regards,

In reply to: Marcin

Daniel, I have one more question in this thread.

How in automation get value returned from oracle function:

i number;
i: fn_xxxxx(1,2,3);

how return "i" to local parameter? Situation like on picture is not working.

Hi Marcin,

you need to use the "change a single field" action to assign something to the local parameter.

Can you execute the SQL statement inside a "normal" SQL command, so that you can return "i"?

I don't have any experience with Oracle, so I can only answer this in a generic way.

Best regards,