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Substitute for substitute

I have such a problem.

At some step in the process, there is required approval for costs. The task is signed to first person, but he is on sick leave, thus the task is assigned to a substituter, but a substituter is also on sick leave, so the task should be assigned to substituter of substituter, but isn't.

BPS version 2021.1.4.118


Hi Marcin,

I'm aware this won't help you in your situation, but the new "Substitutions on behalf" feature of BPS 2022 would help you. An admin could simply setup a substitution for the primary person and it's applications and define the current substitute.


For me this is, from an end user perspective, the best feature since the move to BPS Portal. :)

Best regards,

In reply to: Razvan Ogrezeanu - ENCORSA Romania

Also maybe would be good to have an absence request process where before someone takes holiday and adds a substitute, the system will check if that person is on holliday. Also when a substitution would request holliday in that same period of time, he would be notified to come up with a solution.

Plus, on our workflow we allways have 2 substitutions.

Thanks for the answers. That means that I had to build a substitution process on my own.

"Also maybe would be good to have an absence request process where before someone takes holiday and adds a substitute ... the system will check if that person is on holliday"

That sounds great as an internal feature of the substitution Module. Dear Webcon - please recognize it