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External user access WebCon2021

Hey all,

again I need your help. Do you know any possibilities to create a new user when you register with the new openID feature? For example, a new user register over openID. After redirect the user has no access to the application, because he only exists in, for example, azure ad but not as a bps user on the plattform. I hope my question is clear enough =)


I hope the article: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/importing-bps-user-from-an-excel-file/164 will be helpful.
You have to add users to the "BPS Users list". You can do it manually (user by user), import from Excel file, create user by dedicated workflow with "create BPS user" action or create user using API.
Then you can grant permission for such a user for any application.

In reply to: Kluthe-Köhler, Tim

Is there any way to use a manually created BPS-user for external use without using OpenID (or Google, LinkedIn, etc.)?

Hi Tim,

the short answer is no.

Webcon BPS can't authenticate users. You need to have use some authentication provider. The BPS user is "just" a row in the database it's an internal user. The data of the authenticated user will be used to identify the internal user. If there's no internal user even an authenticated user can't do anything.
If you have some experience with SharePoint think of a BPS User as a SPUser object.

Edit 2021-01-18:
A new official post has been added which clearly describes the differences between "authentication" and "authorization"

Best regards,