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Portal Substitutions / SQL-Data


WebCon BPS user can specify substitutions on the portal.
Does anybody know, where the data is stored in the SQL database?
I'd like to create a weekly report with the data.

We are on BPS Version 2021.1.4.55.

Thank you!
Cheers, Balint

Hi, substitutions are kept in WFCovers.

here is my statement to show them in SQL grid.

SELECT TOP (100000) convert(varchar,[COV_CoverStart],104) as begin
,convert(varchar,[COV_CoverEnd],104) as end
,Person = (select COS_AD_displayname from [CacheOrganizationStructure] where COV_person = COS_AD_userprincipalname),
Substitute = (select COS_AD_displayname from [CacheOrganizationStructure] where COV_Cover = COS_AD_userprincipalname)
FROM WFCovers covers where convert(date,COV_CoverEnd,104) >= convert(date,getDate(),104) and cov_isactive = 1