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SDK Configuration: ConfigEditableTranslation


Hi everyone,

did someone use this attribute and has an sample how to set this up?

I've probably used a wrong type for the property. Like it happens when one copy & pastes and changes the attribute name to Bool but the property is still string. :)

Meanwhile I will search for the log table in which this GUID exists. :)

Type: WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Exceptions.PortalWebserviceException
A WEBCON BPS Portal error has occured.
Message: WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.ConfigAttributes.ConfigEditableTranslation
Error details in logs, Guid: 18c4c6c0-194b-4000-a544-2254a55ec11e
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalService.PortalService.GetPluginConfigurationMetadata(Int32 pluginId)

Best regards,

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

The log entry is in table: [BPS_Config].[dbo].[AdminWFEventLogs]

It seems that this attribute can note be used with version 2022.1.2.31. I've created a support ticket.

I will update this thread, ones I have an answer to my question.

Best regards,

I did it wrong. :)

Config class

public class Config: PluginConfiguration
[ConfigEditableTranslationsList(DisplayName ="Translatable texts")]
public TranslatableTexts Translations { get; set; }

public class TranslatableTexts
[ConfigEditableTranslation(DefaultTranslation = "Authenticate", DisplayName = "Authenticate button label")]
public string AuthenticationButtonLabel
get; set;

Usage in C#

Usage in FormFieldExtensionJS, if you are using a function component:

The property will contain the value for the current language, or if non is set, the default one. So there's no need to get the translation for the current user.

I attached a screenshot how this looks in the configuration dialog.

Best regards,