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SDK Autenti - error 401


Does any of you know how the API key should be entered in the SDK action in the "Integration key" field? On the autenti platform, I generated the ID and key, but entering the same key in the integration key does not work and I get the error: 401 Unauthorized.

Best regards,

In reply to: Wojtek

Did you manage to solve the issue? I face similar problem and seek help as well.

Yes, there is a new article: https://kb.webcon.pl/podpisywanie-dokumentu-usluga-autenti/ I used old SDK and in this article you can find new one (Download from github).
First of all you need to configurate connection in "rest web service" - everything is in this article. If it is still not working for you just feel free to contact me via email jakubchojnacki7@gmail.com and I hope we can find a solution for you.