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How to empty an item list?

Hi, this question may be silly, but I found no sufficient solution yet:

Task: After generating sub workflows from item list entries get the item list entries removed.
Approach: Use the action to change item list values with "Replace"
Effect: One item list entry is created, all the others are removed

Question: How do I get an item list blanked, all entries removed from the database *without* one entry being inserted?

If anybody has a hint for me, it will be very helpful.

Thank you for your answers in advance.

Best, Ingo

In reply to: Ingo Doerrie

Hi Daniel,

tried that but this generates a single entry with default values.

Just retried it with the same result. How to generate no entry at all?

Best, Ingo

Hi Ingo,

I just tested it and it works as I remembered.
This will create an empty row
select 1 as Id
where 1 = 1

This will create no row at all in replace mode.
select 1 as Id
where 1 = 0

Best regards,

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Ingo,

I just tested it and it works as I remembered.
This will create an empty row
select 1 as Id
where 1 = 1

This will create no row at all in replace mode.
select 1 as Id
where 1 = 0

Best regards,

Hi Daniel,

just tested it with your statement.

The difference was that I used another column name and assigned it to a column within the item list.
Removed that and ensured that the query delivers no result. Then it works as you describe.

Thank you for your help.

Best, Ingo