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Webcon express error in portal after installation


I just want to help my friend with installation free version of WEBCON BPS
Everything is fine but after install in the right corner I have error everytime. No idea what is wrong because it's a new installation.
Screenshots in att.

Best regards,


Hi Jakub,

since this is a new installation, I would take a look at the event log. There will probably be on or more errors/warnings with more detailed information.
There’s a special Event Log for the WEBCON workflow. You won’t find any under the application event log.

Alternatively you could enable diagnostic if this is possible from the user menu with the avatar and take a look at the created session.

Best regards,


In reply to: Jakub Chojnacki

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your reply. Still I dont have idea what is wrong.
I cannot upload event log here but I upload it on: https://justpaste.it/2ldky

Maybe you can help me what should I do with this error

Hi Jakub,

unfortunately I'm at a loss here too.

I'm copying here the most relevant information from the event log:
Error while running SOLR query: q=*&start=0&rows=0&fq=(Type_ID%3a((100)))&fq=TS_Insert%3a%5bNOW%2fMONTH-6MONTH+TO+*%5d&fq=...&facet=true&facet.field=DBID_AppID&f.DBID_AppID.facet.limit=10&f.DBID_AppID.facet.mincount=1&wt=xml, message: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

I had not have a problem with SOLR, when the service itself was running. Since you get a 403 it should be running otherwise it would probably 404.

I'm not sure whether this is a potential problem, but could you open the portal using the defined URL? I'm assuming, that the IP hasn't been used as the portal address.
If this doesn't work, I would uninstall everything and install it again. Especially if there has been any kind of "hiccup" during the installation when one clicked "back" or so during the installation to correct something

Best regards,