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Delete timeout that will be triggered

Hi everyone!
I have a process that creates a timeout that will be triggered at the given date. Is there a way to remove this timeout for the specific instance manualy (somewhere in the Studio?)?

As I think of it now, one thing comes to my mind, please correct me if I'm wrong.
If I will take the instance and run it through a path pointing to the same step (final step actualy) with the timeout actions removed, the action will be also removed. Am I right?

In reply to: Michał Ludwiczak

Do you know if there is a way to check if such timeout is planned or not? Database only?

If it's a single workflow instance you could also check it in the UI using the Admin view.

Otherwise you could check the created timeouts table: [dbo].[WFElementTimeouts]
The table WFTimeouts contains the definition of the timeout.

Best regards,