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Electronic signature

Hi, I want to integrate bps with szafir kir: https://www.kir.pl/firmy/szafir/
I found this article https://kb.webcon.pl/podpisy-cyfrowe-autenti-w-webcon-bps/
but i'm not sure if integration with szafir is even possible ? KIR is not on that list.


Mentioned article is using an SDK written and maintained by WEBCON, so the integration with Autenti is pretty easy as it's just installing ready package.
It's source code is here: https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/BPSExt-Signing-Autenti

Also i've found that Autenti can sign documents with mSzafir: https://autenti.com/pl/blog/jednorazowy-certyfikat-kwalifikowany-mszafir-dostepny-na-platformie-autenti

Not sure if there is ready SDK to integrate with Szafir, but looking at their website there is possibility to get .NET compatible developer packages here:
Prices here: https://www.elektronicznypodpis.pl/oferta/cennik/

Seems like there are 2 possibilities - using Autenti, or developing custom tooling.