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Sales Force and Webcon interaction

Hi all,

Hope you're doing great!

Does anyone have SF connected to your Webcon?

I was wondering if there is any possibility to have more interaction between the 2 apps. At the moment, I have Webcon connected with SF through REST APi, where I get information from SF for a process. But sometimes SF is updated (for example, an opportunity is cancelled), and there is no reflection of that in Webcon.

My idea was to have that information and automatically cancel processes that were connected with SF for that opportunity.

Does anyone have something like this?
Thank you!


Unfortunately the only nice thing I'm aware of would be an integration on both sides. You can try and collaborate with the Salesforce implementers and ask them to use the webcon API in order to update your instances.

The less nicer option would be to interogate Salesforce from time to time in order to keep your data up to date. But if you are going to do this make sure you are not using timeout actions. Those would create new versions of your instances every time an interrogation is made and it will fill up your database with history data quite fast. You should use a global action to make an API call to Salesforce from time to time and only update your instances if needed.

I hope this was helpful enough! 😀

In reply to: Andreia Correia

Hi Razvan,

But how do you set up "when needed", because the idea is not to rely on the user to give an update if something is cancelled on SF side.

Is there any way to run it by not using a timeout action?
Thank you!

It will be similar to timeout actions. Have a look at global actions and cycles. If I remember correctly if you click on the workflow you can then setup global actions. In that global action you will have an cycle running like every few hours and that cycle can execute actions. I recommend creating an new simple workflow that deals with data actualisation and just start instances that do this actualisation of data. It will not be real time. But if is your only option it might be worth a try.