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Custom SOAP header

I need to add custom header to the soap message, e.g. i need to pass formfield value to the header section. How can it be done?
Thanks in advance.

In reply to: Wojtek

Anyone? This is an API to the Statistical Office database and it offers soap only. No other choice.
I would highly appreciate your support.

Hi Wojtek,

since the SOAP Action does not support setting custom headers. It's not possible with the default actions. I see only two alternatives:

1. Create a custom SDK action
This could be a specialized action for the web service where you set the header value as a config parameter. In addition you could use it to process the retrieved result so that you can easier use it in WEBCON BPS.
2. Use an intermediate "server" /"proxy" which modifies your request.
If may find a "forward proxy" with which you could modify your request. Instead of calling the web service directly, you would connect to the proxy, which adds the header and then forwards it to the real web service.
If the web service is only using http, you can nginx, if it's https so, you need to find something else or create your own nginx build. If you want to go down this road, you will find a little head at the last part of this post:

Best regards,