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disable attachment edition

i would like to disable attachment edition(add, delete etc.) on specific step and specific user group. Do you have any idea how i can do it?


Hi Robert,

you can at least achieve this without "hacks" on step level.
The available attachment actions are defined on the form layout. If you want to deactivate add, delete, edit on a specific step you can:
1) break the inheritance
2) click on the attachments element
3) uncheck the actions you want to prevent.

Unfortunately this makes it harder to maintain. If you move the fields they may not be visible in this step, because the inheritance from the global form layout has been broken. You have enable the inheritance again and repeat step 1-3.

Alternatively you could add an html field with a style definition to hide the respective "buttons"
.attachment-tab-buttons {display:none;}
div[data-key='editMetadata'] {display:none;}
div[data-key='overwrite'] {display:none;}

Than you could display this field in the step and optionally add the a "Visibility restriction on form" to define whether the user is not in the specific group.
If you wonder why I coined this as hacky:
1) The used references may change without notice in another version.
2) This will hide the actions from the user interface but won't prevent it with JavaScript.

Best regards,