Home > Forum > Data sources > REST - API usage: Problems with automated class generation in order to read JSON data

REST - API usage: Problems with automated class generation in order to read JSON data

Hi all,

at the moment we are struggling to generate C## classes automatically based on the SWAGGER JSON Definition of WebCon. (server-adress/api)
It seems, that the inheritance could not be solved completely by the library.
Our aim is to be able to read data in JSON format from the WebCon REST-API by using standardized tools, means no manually work for getting the data in the right format.

Used REST instruction (v3.0)
GET: Gets default bps view content

Additional Information:
- WebCon Version 2021.1.4.154
- NSwagStudio
- Autorest 3.6..2

It would be great if someone could show me a possible approach or naming any JSON parsre for C## supporting JSON WebCon REST answers.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards