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Generate Docx Template from 1 item list position

I have e.g. NN items on list position and want to generate docx template from only one of item how to do it ?
I thought to add button to every item which send generate action but how to do it?


Hi Marcin,

I have different ideas:
1. Do you really need a word document or would a pdf be sufficient?
In this case, you could use a new data table which only displays the selected row. You could than use the syntax displaying a data table in an html template and convert the resulting html to pdf.
The "selected" row, an identifier of the clicked row, could be stored in a technical field which would be used in the new data table to display only this row. After setting this value a hidden menu action could be triggered to generate the pdf.
2. Limited Word document.
This would be similar to the first approach, but since a Word document can only display a data table in a table, the layout of the Word document would be limited.
3. Full, but complex solution
There will be a sub workflow which would have the same fields as the columns in the item list. You would add a path which will generate the document like always. Upon clicking on a list item, a URL would be generated which would populate these fields. In addition the path would be triggered using the parameter to execute the path. I'm not sure how this is called right now. Something along PATH, PATHID or so. So clicking the URL would create the subworfklow and generate the document. The last part would be to one hyperlink action to the Path of the sub workflow. This would redirect to the original workflow, but again with a Path parameter. This path would copy the attachment to the current workflow and the sub workflow could be deleted.

If you want to go fancy, you could even use a custom modal dialog for the third option, if you want to review the values, before the word document is generated.

Eitherway navigating away from the form should check, wether the form is dirty:

Best regards,