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Changing the user name in Windows Active Directory


what is the proper way to handle AD login name changes in Webcon?

I have this problem: I am synchronized with Windows AD. For instance I have a user in AD with login username: test.webcon and domain @webcon.com
So the UPN for this particular user is test.webcon@webcon.com.

And let's say the user changed his name to Test NewWebcon. So the AD administrator changed the user AD login name to test.newwebcon. When webcon synced with AD, my user got a new Bps_Id = test.newwebcon@webcon.com and after logging in, he can't access tasks because tasks were assigned to the user test.webcon@webcon.com, which no longer exists (In fact, the user still exists, but with a new username).

So it looks like test.newwebcon@webcon.com is the new user for webcon. How to deal with such a problem?

In reply to: Karol Częczek

Hi Bartek,
You can use [dbo].ReplacePermissions stored procedure.


Thanks Karol. Unfortunately I don't have such a procedure. According to the changelog of BPS 2021 R3 (https://community.webcon.com/download/changelog/51?q=b826f00) it was removed :( I have 2022 version.

It looks like user changes in AD will be problematic and I don't know how to handle it efficiently.

Best Regards,