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Distinct values


I am a webcon beginner. Can someone help me?

I created a Dictionary with the following fields: Company and Project.

Company A can have Project 1, and Company B can have Project 1 too.
When i run a process: i have to select Company and Project. But when i select a project, in the company field i want to see only distinct values of companies from my Dictionary entries for that selected project only.

I have tried with function DISTINCT, but it didnt work.. thanks!


Hi Andree

here's an example to filter a data source. I don't know whether your company is a business entity or a normal field.

In your case you would have a field or a business entity in which you selected the Company.
In the project field, you can use the value to filter the available ones.
In my case I used the Business Entity and another field to limit the available values to those which are defined for the Business Entity.

Best regards,