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Item list and HTML control

Hi community!

We need to add 'active' HTML elements to an item list, e.g. a button containing some Javascript to set a field value or a label with a custom tooltip on mouseover.

Is that even possible in an item list, we didn't find any solution for this up to now?

Thanks a lot for your input,

Best regards, Nik

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Nik,

I'm not sure whether I have tested it with buttons, but data rows with links work just fine in item lists.

Best regards,

It also works with buttons, but they look strange. I will stick with a elements. :)

select case
when {S:DET_ID} < 0 then 'Save assessment to add a measure'
else (
select '<a href="....'">Add measure</a>' as Link
end as Link