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Autocomplete field type - Case (in)sensitive

Dear all,

I am wondering if there is no option for a case-insensitive search for fieldtypes like "Autocomplete" or "Choice field".
At the moment I am struggling to search for values with search mode "Contains". Unfortunately the search results differs based on beginning the search phrase with an upper or lower case.

In my opinion it would be a great benefit, if there are two addtional options (as checkboxes) to fine tune the search mode.
1) Ignore Upper and lower case --> case-insensitive
2) Ignore Whitespaces

If anyone knows an easy approach to achieve such a behavior in another way, I would look forward to get the information.
I think it has to be implemented in webcon.

Thanks a lot

Best regards


Hi Thomas,

I can't remember any case, where it was case insensitive. I just checked it again and it works fine.

Maybe your data source is a database with a case sensitive collation?

In this case you could add a view change the collation of the fields and use this view. Maybe you need to put the view also in a database with insensitive collation. If you need to go down this road, you could also add another column, where you remove the white space using sql functions. In the advanced configuration you would tick "searching" but wouldn't display it.

Best regards,