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Dropdown choice attribute - language error


We have upgraded to ver. 2022.1.4.248 and I found the problem with language translations for the dropdown choice attribute.

It seems like it does not translate just for dropdown - other types of choice attributes work just fine.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem?



Hi, Damian
I can only confirm that this problem exists. I checked it for version 2022.1.4.223 and 2023.1.1.89.

But if you care about such a solution, you can replace the sql data source with a constant list of values. you can add translations there in the same form as on the screen. And it will work for the dropdown list (you don't map the column in the picker, you just enable multilingual.)

You can prepare the query in this form and it will work

Select 1 as id ,'NAME1$$EN$$NameEN_TEST' as name