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Changing Business Entity

Dear all,

what would be the best practice to update/change the Business Entity of an instance?

I would like to create an application containing people related to a company respective business entity. Over the time it is possible they would change the company and so also the business entity.

I found a dirty way by using an SQL Update directly on the WFElements table, but I am struggling by running this query by (cyclic) action on a separate path. The path is walking through fine according to the history, but no changes in the end. If I run the query with the "Test" functionality in the webcon Designer everything works fine.

Do you have any idea, what is wrong or even better an other solution how I can handle such an instance change?

Thanks a lot


Hi Thomas,

I have no idea, why I doesn't work. I'm guessing that the data is updated using your action just fine, but afterwards the default mechanism overwrite the value again. I also had a look at the SDK and changing the Company Id is not supported. So I wouldn't do it, even if it worked.

I have two other approaches in mind:
1) Use an "active" flag to track whether someone is in a company. Perhaps you could even add a start and end date. This could be applied to an item list or one workflow instance per person. This would also reflect the changes, and there will probably be a time, when you need to track this. :)

2) If you don't need the security options offered by business entities, you could use a custom field. Just create a workflow instances using the same business entity for everyone and define the 'real' business entity using a choose field.

Best regards,