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Field type change


I'm facing a new challenge, maybe someone already had to deal with it and will be able to help :)

I've created some time ago process for handling Recruitments, which connects two departments - HR and IT.
On starting form, there are yes/no fields for required permissions/equipment for a new person.

* Access to system X
* Access to system Y
* Laptop
* Wireless mouse

After the process have been running for a year my users came to conclusion, that we need to have 3 possibilities to choose from to be more specific:
0 - Not needed
1 - Create/Buy
2 - Already owned

So from yes/no I have to move to Choice Fields, and here comes the question - how to change field type, but in a way that won't create data loss?
I know that WFD_AttBoolX will become WFD_AttChooseY, and propably it's possible to move that data with global cyclic actions like translate WFD_AttBool to WFD_AttChoose, but how should i clear WFD_AttBool? - I shouldnt leave there any data.

Maybe should I rather mark those booleans as archive, and create new fields?
Any tips/ideas/thoughts would be appreciated :)


Hi Maks,

the most conform way would probably be to mark the boolean as archived and Update the data using a global cyclical action as suggested.
This way you would see the translated value in the current version and the original ones in the history.
Marking the field as archive will also prevent you from accidently reusing the field in the future.

The non conform way would require access to the database and do the magic there. You may find an example for this on another site.

Best regards,