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Moving attachments between workflows

I have smal workflow which moves big one between steps.
I'm uploading attachment in "small workflow", and want this attachment to be transfered to "big workflow".
Big workflow can't be modified.
Is there a way to "insert" attachment to other workfolw?

In reply to: Rafal

I found this before, but there are only options from where grab attachment, not where to put it.
I can't (or don't know how) to specific workflow in which attachment should be inserted.

Hi Rafal,

I'm assuming that the small workflow uses either the "move workflow" action or the "big workflow" is waiting for completing the workflow. In either case you should be able to identify which workflow triggered the movement.
If you are moving the big workflow, you could also store the element id of the small one in a technical field.
In case of a "wait for sub workflow" step and you have only one small workflow you have the element id directly. Otherwise you could get the id of the element which was last modified.
With the element id of the small workflow you could use an "add attachment" action in the big workflow to fetch the attachment from the small workflow.

That's easier than using the REST API to copy an attachment to another workflow. Especially if you are moving the workflow anyway.

Best regards,