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No access to AD-User when syncroniced to Azure-AD

We are building an on-boarding Workflow whitch is adding a new AD-User and granted him with the needed User-Groups.
But when the User is needed to syncroniced with the Azure-AD because of using O365, i have no access to alter the User anny more.

To adding and alter the User we use the SAM-account name and it works very well.
But this doesn´t work on the Azure Users.

By the way our AD is generated with an xxx.home and our Azure AD changed it to the Mail extension xxx.com

So when i try to get the user with his Mail-Adress, i get the info that "there is no xxx.com AD" and when i try to get him over the xxx.home AD i get the info "User not found".

How can i get to manage the syncroniced Azure Users?


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