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Item list rows limit


Is there a way to limit an item list number of rows depending on value? I need to limit rows to 10 for example: user is allowed to add 10 item list rows and if he try to add 11th row the system will block it.

The other issue is to lock item list rows when a chckbox value is true: when I mark the checkbox to 1 then only one row can be filled in an itm list, if the checkbox is 0 the item list can allow multiple rows.


To restrict the number of rows in an item list, start by establishing a form rule (refer to image -> 1-Form rule). In this process, I've employed a global constant to set the limit, comparing the item list count with this defined threshold. If a user attempts to add an 11th row, a confirm message will be triggered. Next, implement this rule in your item list through Advanced Configuration -> General -> Form rule invoked after callback (refer to image -> 2-Item list).).

To lock rows in an item list based on a checkbox value being true, specify the condition (not(checkbox value) or checkbox value = empty) in Column Edit Restrictions (navigate to your column in the item list -> Permissions -> Column Edit Restrictions).
Paste the same condition in the Column Edit Restrictions section for each respective column requiring this constraint.

Best regards,

In reply to: Kyle B.

It is not this what I thought.

In the first case I need to block possibility to add new rows when the limit is reached. The Confirm popup is not enough. Users will ignore it
In the second case the first row must be editable so it is similar solution like in the first case. I can only allow to fill the first row and lock the item list to add more(depending on checkbox)

I don't know a solution that would block the item list under those conditions.
For both cases, you can use confirmation messages, and in case the user ignores them, he can be blocked when moving to the next step. Utilizing two Validate Form actions along the path to the subsequent step will hinder the user from progressing unless the specified conditions are fulfilled.

In reply to: Kyle B.

Great! This will be enough. I totally forgot about validation on steps.
Thank you!!!

Hi Kyle,

even so you already have a solution you may want to look into this. I found this question quite interesting, and created a small post about hiding the "Add row" button when the limit of the item list rows is reached.

Best regards,