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Using WebDav



I am trying to use WebDav in order to edit other types of documents (Others than office apps). I have installed the server side plugin and the client side plugins, but I have no idea how to enable any sort of edit button in WEBCON that would trigger the WebDav App.

I have tried the demo in this website: https://www.webdavserver.com/ and works, but that only confirms that I have the client side plugins installed correctly.



WEBCON BPS already supports Webdav on Standalone installations. You have to enable the edit functionality on the attachments property.

For SharePoint integrated installations, you also have to create an attachments library under "System Settings" / "Global Parameters" / "Sharepoint configuration"

What i never tried is, whether you can edit other than office documents in WEBCON BPS or not. But this is maybe what you are looking for.

In reply to: Aleš Jurak


we have a similar problem, however with the same permission settings in Webcon, on some computers (or user profiles) editing is possible directly through WebDAV, but on other computers (user profiles), when clicking on the document, the docs get downloaded instead of opened in word or excel. Anybody else had a similar problem?

Best regards


Hi Aleš,

the documents are opened using an URL using the ms-word protocol:


So the users my have clicked in the "don't open" in Word confirmation or there's a problem with the word installation itself:


Maybe this helps to identify the problem.

Best regards,

In reply to: Markus Jenni

WEBCON BPS already supports Webdav on Standalone installations. You have to enable the edit functionality on the attachments property.

For SharePoint integrated installations, you also have to create an attachments library under "System Settings" / "Global Parameters" / "Sharepoint configuration"

What i never tried is, whether you can edit other than office documents in WEBCON BPS or not. But this is maybe what you are looking for.

Where I see th issue and so far haven't found a solution:
Yes, if you set the checkbox "Edit file" you will find the "Edit" Icon for PDF files, too.
But it will only open the document in the browser where the functionality is highly limited.
I.e. applying a digital signature is not possible.

Isn't there any way (maybe with some code) to open the PDF in the Adobe App.

A solution here would be highly appreciated.