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Push Notification to mobile App WEBCON BPS 2023

Hello everyone,

I'm having problems with the push notifications that should be sent automatically when a new task is assigned.

In the app settings on my mobile phone (Android), all notifications are activated and the app has permission to send messages.
In the Designer Studio the Chechbox is activated in the Global Parameters.

Unfortunately, no push messages are triggered.

Where else did I miss something?

Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Matthias,

did you activate the notifications in your user profile?
That's the only remaining setting I can think of.

Best regards,

Hi Daniel,

yes I did.
Both, the mobile configurations and the desktop profil have this setting.
The mobile app also has permission in the system settings of the android mobile device.

I have absolutley now clue what to do now. We are using a complaint management app and our sales managers really should receive their tasks by bush notification :(

Thank you anyway.