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Hotmailbox value on change


I have set up a hotmailbox - Add to elements based on e-mail content.
I am saving the BodyContent to a multiple lines of text form field called BodyContent - set always.
I have created a global Menu buton which must be triggered when the value of BodyContent changes.
So, on the form field - Style and behavior - Form rule to be exeuted on value change - I set "Invoke menu action - my button".

If i send another e-mail and i mention that Instance ID, the value of BodyContent is modified, but the form rule is not executed.

Do you have any tips on how i can achieve something like this?
The idea is that i would like to run some actions when an user is replying.

thank you.


Hi Maria,

when you read the following keep in mind, that I have no real experience with Hot mail box.

Form rules and style and behavior actions are only executed in the browser. Since the instance is updated through the hot mailbox feature, there's no browser involved. Instead the service user is updating it. I'm assuming that this is done via a "saving".
Therefore I would test adding actions to the "Upon instance saving" trigger to execute an additional action. If it works you need to find a solution, so that the actions still only get executed when the instance is updated via the service user with an email. Maybe by checking the current user and if an email attachment was added in the last 2 seconds.


Best regards,