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Appearance of INT in a data table


I know if we have a field type Integer you can set its appearance like

a) 123456,00 or
b) 123 456,00 or
c) 123,456.00

I'm wondering if we can change, by any chance, the way an INT looks like inside a data table field as well. Because at the moment, into the data table is looking like

d) 123.456,00

.. and I don't have the option to choose this format for other fields as well.

Thank you!


Hi Joanna,
From Advanced configuration there is no option that would change the formatting of the field.

You could achieve it with querying database using SQL with FORMAT and REPLACE functions:

SELECT REPLACE(FORMAT(123321123321.22, 'N2', 'de-DE'), '.', ' ') AS Test -- Space separated
SELECT FORMAT(123321123321.22, 'N2', 'en-US') AS Test -- Comma separated
SELECT FORMAT(123321123321.22, 'N2', 'de-DE') AS Test -- Dot separated
SELECT 123321123321.22 AS Test -- No separation

This although will be rendered with align to left most certainly - as webcon will treat it as text.

Also, are you sure that we are talking about integers?
Integer numbers don't have fractional part, so i assumed, that we are talking about decimals ;)