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Multiple lines of text Rich


I have a form field - multiple lines of text (rich).
When i send an e-mail, i set my form field - last entry text. If i write a text and add a new line, it multiples the number of lines in e-mail...as you can see in the attached screenshots.

Do you know why is it happening? And what is there to do?

Thank you.

In reply to: Martin Meze (Freelancer)

The reason is CSS. Please note the difference in the two attached images. One is with the default settings. In the other I added the "white-space: break-spaces;".

Hi Everyone,
I don't think that CSS will have anything to do with it, at least not the one from the browser, rather one from e-mail formatting, but it doesn't look like that.
It's displayed the same in preview, even after removing standard e-mail content, and just inserting two attributes. (e-mail preview/content.png)

I've created a sample form with 2 attributes - Long text, one formatted (called format), second one without formatting (called format - no). Both with append mode. Configuration in attachment. For those I've saved a sample form, to get values in database, and i read them with this query:

WFD_AttLongX AS format,
WFD_AttLongY AS [format - no]
WFD_ID = {insert id}

This query returned how the data is stored, and this will get us answer what's happening. Result is available here: https://pastebin.com/1NnSTiWq.
I've opened that .json in VSCode, and turend on *Render whitespace* setting (Results - vscode.png).

If the field doesn't allow formatting, then new lines are stored as \n, so a standard new line character. That's why email preview for this field is ok - no double new lines.
If the field allows formatting, then new lines are stored twice as U+00a0 (unicode no-break space) which is wrapped in <p></p> tags, creating new line. Thats one line, but we are also wrapping each line in separate <p></p> tags, which are rendered as separate lines in HTML.

<p>test1<br />test1</p> -- this will be two lines, separated with br
<p>U+00a0</p> -- this is an empty line
<p>test1</p> -- line with text
<p>U+00a0</p> -- this is an empty line
<p>test1</p> -- line with text

You could create a business rule with SQL like this one:
SELECT REPLACE('{BRP}', '<p>\u00A0</p>', '')

{BRP} is a buisiness rule parameter, and this should fix the issue :)