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[SOLVED] Action sent email on save in dictionary process

IN webcon 2022.1.4.404 I discovered error on save Action.

if send config e-mail action is in "on remove item" - email is sent and revived
if if send config e-mail action is in "on save workflow element" then - no email.
I was try first with conduction in action , then with no condition but with "condition true / false" and on the end just with out any condition ...
and in any case email was not sent when record was created and save or just saved after edition ...


Hi Paweł,
how did you saved the element? By disk icon on menu bar, or with save path?

I've created a sample dictionary, and saving with floppy disk icon on menu bar triggers that e-mail, but saving using a path does'nt.
You could create an automation, and use it in 2 places to solve it:
1. Global on save
2. On save path

I'm on 2023.1.3.76, but i don't think this was different in 2022.

In reply to: Maksymilian Stachowiak

Hi Paweł,
how did you saved the element? By disk icon on menu bar, or with save path?

I've created a sample dictionary, and saving with floppy disk icon on menu bar triggers that e-mail, but saving using a path does'nt.
You could create an automation, and use it in 2 places to solve it:
1. Global on save
2. On save path

I'm on 2023.1.3.76, but i don't think this was different in 2022.


I click "Save" element in dictionary process on the bottom.

Process 1 (main):
1. Start >> new element in Dictionary Proces..
2. Filled all form
3. Clicked on bottom "SAVE" "path"
4. Item added to dictionary
5. no action on save noticed :/

Process 2 is starting proces 1
Start flow on enter to particular "step" in other process
put (copy data) to form
save item - no email

Delete notification :

1. edit item
2. from top menu I pick "Delete"
3. Item deleted then Action is initialized. - received email

Edit mode:

1. edit item
2. in form changed something / or not
3. Clicked from top menu "save" - ... wow ... received E-mail !!!
4. clicked on bottom "Save" - path - wow .. received 2nd E-mail !!!

so ... maybe I don't understand "on save" action for dictionary process... or is a bug?
Why on save from start or from run flow and filled items I don't receive e-mail ?

The most impotent for me is sent e-mail if some one in on save add item do dictionary - because the data will be used in other process.

In reply to: Paweł Tołoczko


I click "Save" element in dictionary process on the bottom.

Process 1 (main):
1. Start >> new element in Dictionary Proces..
2. Filled all form
3. Clicked on bottom "SAVE" "path"
4. Item added to dictionary
5. no action on save noticed :/

Process 2 is starting proces 1
Start flow on enter to particular "step" in other process
put (copy data) to form
save item - no email

Delete notification :

1. edit item
2. from top menu I pick "Delete"
3. Item deleted then Action is initialized. - received email

Edit mode:

1. edit item
2. in form changed something / or not
3. Clicked from top menu "save" - ... wow ... received E-mail !!!
4. clicked on bottom "Save" - path - wow .. received 2nd E-mail !!!

so ... maybe I don't understand "on save" action for dictionary process... or is a bug?
Why on save from start or from run flow and filled items I don't receive e-mail ?

The most impotent for me is sent e-mail if some one in on save add item do dictionary - because the data will be used in other process.

The thing is that 'On save workflow element' is triggered only, when a Save button in Menu bar (on the top) is being used.
(or when someone without edit permission saves comment based on this*)

Pressing Save on bottom - the path, doesn't trigger 'On save workflow element' - it triggers 'On path', 'On Exit', and 'On Entry'.

'On path' - because it's a path
'On Entry'- because this path leads to the same step, so we will enter it
'On Exit' - we are leaving this step, before we enter it again

So you have two options:
1. Use automation, and apply it 'On save workflow element' + any of triggers above.
2. Hide 'Save' button in the menu bar (you have to do it per step), leave only path, and then use automation only on the path.


In reply to: Paweł Tołoczko

OK, thank you but:

in dictionary process I have got only sections:
1. on open in browser ...
2. Menu button
3. Cycle (start)
4.on delete item
5.on save
6.attachment menu
7.on add attachment

so ...
So you have two options:
1. Use automation, and apply it 'On save workflow element' + any of triggers above.
-impossible - no option in dictionary process... :/

2. Hide 'Save' button in the menu bar (you have to do it per step), leave only path, and then use automation only on the path.
the same - no on path in dictionary process ....

any other Ideas ?

There is 'On path', but i might have been not precise enough here. There is no global 'On path', we have to define it on specific path :) Also On Exit, On Entry are in Context of specific step, so you have to define it per step basis - no global option.

You should go to workflow, select a step, on that step there will be a 'save' path, to which you can assign an automation - see screenshot.

In reply to: Maksymilian Stachowiak

There is 'On path', but i might have been not precise enough here. There is no global 'On path', we have to define it on specific path :) Also On Exit, On Entry are in Context of specific step, so you have to define it per step basis - no global option.

You should go to workflow, select a step, on that step there will be a 'save' path, to which you can assign an automation - see screenshot.

Thank YOU ......

is so not "user friendly Webcon Solution ... " to find that (yeah ... 3 dots (...) or duble click on step ....
(graph is inactive ... so I just missed that ... ) help file or web did not show any link to 3 dots .... I was miss-leaded by Global Actions ....

Again, than you ...
now I have "place" to play .. and test yours solutions .

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