Home > Forum > Rules, JS, SQL > ##currentloginname## in SQL filter for Report gives error

##currentloginname## in SQL filter for Report gives error

I'm struggling with the syntax of the SQL filter for a report.
In general it works, but if I want to use the currently loggedin user, I get an error.
I tried with the following syntax:

AND (##currentloginname##='servr\Userxxx')

The error message is:
"Incorrect syntax near '='. Incorrect syntax near ','. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'."


Hi Klaus,

there's a simple issue in your query, the variable needs to be enclosed in '':

Before: AND (##currentloginname##='servr\Userxxx')
After: AND ('##currentloginname##'='servr\Userxxx')

Unfortunately there's a small issue with the variables:
Once the report is saved a space character is added at the end
Before save: AND ('##currentloginname##'='servr\Userxxx')
After save: AND ('##currentloginname## '='servr\Userxxx')

You can work around this issue with the following
and (RTrim('##currentloginname##') = 'server\user')

Best regards,