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Tables: WFActionExecutions ,AutomationSessionExecutions


Are there any issues with deleting rows related to cyclical actions in those tables (WFActionExecutions ,AutomationSessionExecutions )?



Hi Jakub,

No one is probably going to give you a proper answer to that question, since manual modifications to BPS tables are forbidden by license agreement.
However, if you provide detailed information about the scenario (why you want to delete them, what is the configuration of cyclical actions), maybe the Community will be able to provide help regarding good practices for configuring cyclical actions, thinning size of SQL tables or some other stuff.
Some issues regarding those tables were already addressed in newer builds of WEBCON BPS (such as bug fixes for AutomationSessionExecutions in 2022.1.4.248).

If the issue requires an intervention (eg. if too many rows were created due to badly configured recurrent action), you may need to reach out to our Support at https://support.webcon.com/

Kind regards

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