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File attachments can be edited by all users

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to set the attachment function so that users can upload files in all workflow steps?
Currently, in my app, this only works if the user has editing rights for this instance. But I don't actually want that the users have editing rights on all instances and do not want to create complicated rules, that then unlock the overall rights, but immediately revoke the rights for certain fields.
In the field matrix I can only set the attachements checkbox to visible or invisible. Other formular fields can bet set to 'Read-only'.

In my example, a sales employee should still be able to add images/customer emails even if the processing is actually currently in the service department. However, the sales person should not be able to intervene in the work of the service colleague.

Thank you in advance,


Hi Matthias,
By design possibility to add / remove / edit attachments requires editing rights. By default it's even stricter - only person which added attachment can remove it, and in exactly same step where it has been added.

You could though solve it in 2/3 ways, maybe someone will come up with another ones:
1. Give sales employee edit rights, but create edit restrictions on fields/paths (if fields are in group, then group level restriction is enough), something like 'When user doesn't have a task' - should be possible using 'Assigned persons', and 'Current user is one of'. It is a bit of work though.
2. Create a 2 step subworkflow, which will be used to add attachments to parent - create a global* 'hyperlink start element'** action, and use related attachments *** tab to display them.
3. Is an variation on 2 - creating subworkflow, but after registering that subworkflow, you could use move workflow **** action - trigger it on child, and target parent workflow. Add technical path on each step of parent workflow, with Add Attachment ***** action - this should target latest child workflow for attachment adding.

I'd probably try to work with 2nd approach, as it looks like least pain to maintain it.
Also - you could try a variant with only 1 subworkflow dedicated to keep attachments added 'during process' instead of creating a subworkflow each time attachments are added.

Note from my perspective - usually letting someone add information during the process, when it's not their time to act without proper information flow might lead to errors.
If someone from Sales have a new attachment, maybe a better way would be to give everyone possibility to move workflow to Sales, where they can attach what is needed, and use 'Back to the previous step' destination step on a path in sales.
It forces Sales to inform someone that there is some kind of a new data, because they have to ask current assignees to pass them the instance.

* https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Workflow/Workflow_GlobalAction3/
** https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Form/Action_Hyperlink
*** https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Process/Attribute/Basic/Itemlist/BasicColumns/RelativeAttachmentsConfig
**** https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Workflow/MoveManyWorkFlows/
***** https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Attachments/Action_AddAttachment

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