Home > Forum > Actions > [SOLVED] Add attachment from current instance to another workflow Error

[SOLVED] Add attachment from current instance to another workflow Error

I was following:


you using the function would be one option. Other are:
- Set the local parameter using an SQL command
- Use the for each function to iterate through the attachments
- Use the for each function in combination with a data source
- Use the for each function in combination with "any collection

Since there are numerous ways where the attachment id could come from, I didn't explicitly define it.

Best regards,
- OK, I will do it later [now I have got static Attachment ID]
but now I have got problem with:

Kopiowanie Załącznika do innego Flow - Request Url:
Response Code:
One or more errors occurred. (The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.)

I see:
Local parameters values before failure: Body => { 'name': 'Protokól Odbioru DostawyDOS_IN_2024_04_00017_2024-04-30_ZAM_2024_03_00187.pdf', 'description': '', 'group': '', 'content': 'JVBERi0xLjcNCjU [.... bla bla bla bla ... ] DY1NzQNCiUlRU9GDQo='}
and after that error:
Error flow

Something I missing .... but I'm not sure what ....

I have Webcon 2022.1.4.404


Hi Paweł,
for DEV env you could try checking 'Nie sprawdzaj certyfikatów HTTPS' * on WEBCONBPS connection.

But I'd encourage to check certificates. If it's possible login to windows server where webcon service is hosted - try opening webcon site in a browser, and look for some certificate errors.
It could be a trouble with self-signed certificate for example - you'll have manually add that one into the certificate store on windows server.

* https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Integration/Action_RESTWebServiceInvoke#4-dont-validate-https-certificate