Hi Andreia,
I'm a bit confused, why don't you have a "for each" in a path of the control step?
What I would do in your case:
- Create an "Action" column, with values: Verify, Exist, Doesn't exist
- Set the action to "Verify" for all rows.
- Create a "loop" using a flow control which either moves the workflow to the control step or to the finish step
- Get the top x rows of the item list with action "Verify"
- Determine whether it exists or not and set the action of those rows.
- Set a timeout on the control step, so that it gets triggered again.
This assumes, that it takes a long time to verify all rows which would cause a timeout and therefore would prevent the path transition to be executed.
If you can access the external database and the BPS content database with the same account, it will be easy to do. In this case you could use the update item list action.
Otherwise, if you need to use REST for example, you need to use the for each operator and a "any collection". This could return the invoice number. In the for each loop you could store the result in a parameter. The parameter would be build like a "multi value choose field" "invoice number1#Doesn't exist;invoice number2#Doesn't exist". After the foreach you could then use the parameter value to update the item list.
If you do have questions and have time tomorrow 5pm CEST, you could join my Ask Me Anything YouTube live event and we may be able to clarify this.
Best regards,