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Active directory a designer studio

W designer studio chcę włączyć 'Obsługę modyfikowania obiektów w Active Directory'.

Czy serwer, na którym jest zainstalowany designer studio musi być w mojej domenie?
Przy próbie zapisu otrzymuje błąd dotyczący loginu i hasła, pomimo tego że są one poprawne.

In reply to: Piotr

We have our domain but the webcon server is not added to any domain.

Does the webcon server need to be in some domain?

I haven't worked through such a scenario but you probably need to configure the machine to have communication with the domain controller (NTP, DNS,)
I am not a networker then I will not help more.

But the connection to some domain must have if webcon is installed, and you log into it probably with some domain account ?

In reply to: Piotr

We have our domain but the webcon server is not added to any domain.

Does the webcon server need to be in some domain?

If you want to use Active Directory integration (AD users synchronization, AD Actions), the server with the WEBCON BPS Portal installed has to be a domain member.
If you want to use eg. Entra ID (former Azure Active Directory), you can install WEBCON BPS on a standalone server.