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Webcon Dictionary - How much data can be stored


is there a size limit on how much data we can store in webcon dictionary? Couldn't find any info on it.

Thank you for your help!


I don't know if I understood your query exactly, but the data we can add to the dictionary defines the type of attribute that is used in the dictionary.
You can check this in the database.

If you mean, for example, how many, attributes of the text line type you can add on a form. this is also defined by the number of columns in the database in the [wfelements] table.
It looks different in different versions but in general, for example, in the current one we have 80 columns available as a line of text.
We have 90 chooses (plus global and person type) etc.



as Karol mentioned, the data for one dictionary entry is limited by the columns. Here's also a post about this:

There's no software limit regarding the number of entries (workflow instances). There may be physical limits when the performance of the SQL server degrades but this is another topic and depends on your environment.

Best regards,

In reply to: ruthw

Thank you so much both! I have limited columns (form fields) but I would have about 70,000+ rows (workflow instances) that will keep growing. Would that be too large data to be loaded to a dictionary. If not is there best way to load the data or any article on it?

Thank you!

It seems like a big dictionary, but it will work - just more rows in database, shouldn't be a performance issue.

Could you share a bit more on what is inside that dictionary?
Is it data from another system?

I wonder if it should be imported, and what is the source if it's so big :)

In case of importing data, I've wrote a series on that topic, which could be some pointer how to do it.


In reply to: ruthw

Thank you so much both! I have limited columns (form fields) but I would have about 70,000+ rows (workflow instances) that will keep growing. Would that be too large data to be loaded to a dictionary. If not is there best way to load the data or any article on it?

Thank you!

For this amount of data, I would rather create some technical database with a table for this dictionary.
And optionally on webcon a form for searching , adding/deleting/updating data, If they were to be fed manually.

For this approach you can define the most optimal indexes for this dictionary.
And , in my opinion , if only you can slim down the content database from some more data that doesn't necessarily have to be there , it has only advantages.
