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Environment setting to disable: "Timeout actions error: checkout exception occurred" NOT NOW



I think everyone of use has run into this error more often in dev/test than anyone wants to admit.

TIM_ID: 15 - WEBCON BPS Timeout actions error: checkout exception occurred.
Instance ID (WFD_ID): 5907
WEBCON BPS Timeout ID (TIM_ID): 15

Could you we gain a global setting, with which we can disable this check / allow the timeout to undo the checkout?

I completely understand the reason and I would never disable this check in production but on the dev environment I would enable it without a second thought. :)

Best regads,

In reply to: Klaus Seidler

Hi Daniel,

I just ran across this error again.

Can you explain we what "Check out" means? I expected it would be that the Element is in "edit" mode. But I definitely aborted "edit" before I closed it and the error happened still.

Kind regards,

Hi Klaus,

you are right, an element is checked out, when it is opened in edit mode. Similar to the document checkout in SharePoint.
If you cancel the editing the checkout will be revoked immediately. If you only close the tab or navigate somewhere else the checkout will remain a while. The system verifies whether the user has the form currently open in a periodic interval.

When the element is checked out by a user this error happens. In your case your actions and the timeout execution may have overlapped.

Best regards,

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