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Copy content between processes?

Hi guys,

Is there an easy way to copy content from one process to another, e.g. using the WFDID?

For example, to copy the content of a text field from process 1 to a text field in process 2 using an action.
Our users would like to have a feature to copy content from older processes to current ones if it is similar content. A kind of "copy template".


Hi Gerd,

I'm not sure when you want to copy the information.

1. Do you want to start a new process based on an old one?
You can simply use the start workflow actions to populate the fields.
You can take a look here how we have been using this to start a new process based on an existing one. The audio is in German, but I guess, that this isn't an issue. ;)

2. Do you want to update an already existing process from another and the user is in the second process?
In this case you can use the "update related workflow instance" action.

3. Are the users in the process to which values should be copied?
Than you could use the "change values of multiple fields" action.

Best regards,