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Parallelize several timeouts


I have a question about the service configuration.

In the Services configuration -> Services -> Service_name -> Configuration tab, the database components are configured. How can I increase the number of action threads for timeout? I would like to parallelize several timeouts and not wait for the transition after each of them is completed. Do you have any idea for this?

Regards ;)

In reply to: Krzysztof Gaszczyk

Okay, thank you for your answer.

Do you know any way to speed up the execution of the action of starting multiple processes on timeout (several tasks start with 300 elements each).

I had a workaround for this - if I had a lot of workflows to start, I did it in packages of e.g. 50-100 elements. I had timout every 1-2 minutes which condition checked if there was anything else to start and if so it went through the path again and started the documents.

In reply to: Krzysztof Gaszczyk

Okay, thank you for your answer.

Do you know any way to speed up the execution of the action of starting multiple processes on timeout (several tasks start with 300 elements each).

I'm facing a similar issue and have no idea to get around it. I'm starting about 15-25 subworkflows and each of them is saved in the initial step and a timeout will move them to the next. Otherwise it would take to long and an execution timeout would happen when the subworkflows would be started.
The only thing I was able to do was to use the diagnostic mode to check what takes long and could be improved.

One potential option could be to update to BPS 2024:
The second important update is Migration to .NET 8.0., which leverages the latest standards and libraries, and is continuously checked for compliance with current security standards. This update has also brought significant performance benefits. For example, the time required to transition between process steps has been reduced by 25%.
