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Mass change of form type

Hi Community,

for the reason of proper premissions managment I need to change the form type for 500+ instances. Obviously I would like to avoid manual work.
Do you have ANY idea if the 'change form type' can be somehow automated? I need to change form type X to Y, no diferentiation whatsoever.
Maybe some SQL? Changing WFD_DTYPEID in WFElements and WFHistoryElements will be enough?
What do you think?

Thanks in advance.



Hi Wojtek,

would it be an option to simply switch the names of the form types, so that the Ids could be kept and only configurations need /reports would need to be changed. This way you wouldn't need to update the instances.

If this isn't an option there's no way around testing even if someone here would give you an answers. You would be doing this at your own risk anyway. :)

I would create a copy of the database and restore it in a test environment or create a similar case in the test environment with a new worklfow.

Best regards,

I think that changing WFD_DTYPEID in the database is definitely not a good idea ;)

also remember that even manually changing the form type using the "Change form type" action causes a new process to be started (from the first step only with the same WFD_ID)


In reply to: Wojtek

You gave me an idea. I could just start new instances on the basis of the current ones copying all data and atachments and than delete the old. Thanks,

I didn't think of this option, but that's how ideas are born. :)

Depending on your version and whether you can execute SDKs you could download this:

It has an action to change the form type. Since I'm using the official SDK it is supported.

Then you could add a custom path and use mass actions.

Best regards,