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Copy multiple Attachements of an items list to another workflow item


Following Scenario: (Webcon Version 2021.1.5.367)
I have an items list with (amongst others) a column for (multiple) attachments.
Out of each line of the items list I start a workflow instance of another (start a subworkflow SQL) workflow and the attachments shall be copied to the new instance.

Idea 1: I check "copy attachments" in the "Start a subworkflow".
Issue: all attachments of the parent workflow are copied

Idea 2: I create the instances and create an action template to copy the attachments from the parent workflow using a SQL query, reading the ATT_ID from the attachment column.
Issue: with single attachments per line it will work, with mulitple I get an error as webcon stores the Att_ids with a comma (e.g. 6603,6604) which is not identified as an int value.

Has anybody an idea how to solve this issue?

Kind regards,

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